
Palina Piakarskaya (b.1998) is an artist who works in Åkarp, where she lives with her partner and occasionally co-parents the family dog. She has a background in traditional painting, graduating in Swedish Academy of Realist Art in 2021. Currently Palina works as an artist at her studio at Sulfur collective in Malmö.

Excerpt from Palinas latest exhibition, DREAMSCAPE 2023:

“ When I think about painting I think about translating reality. None of us sees things for what they are, not really. Our brains and our eyes put together these pictures, impressions of the world in front of us. That is what I try to do with my paintings, show what catches my eye and amplify it. I try to notice colors, light effects and reflections. For me a good painting is like a good fiction book - sometimes somehow more true than the reality. 

For this exhibition for some paintings I worked with pre-loved frames of various age and shape, exploring how the shape and size  restrictions affect the painting. The “Diving In” and “Diving Out” diptych was especially cool to work with - creating a composition that has no corners or straight lines to lean on. Painting the ocean in them then felt like a natural choice.

Another way I worked was integrating sculpture. While teaching I was playing around with clay, a medium I knew very little of. As a result I made three sculptures which, in turn, evolved into focal themes within “Bear Attack”, “The Glow”, and “Two cows”. The sculptures are present in the exhibition, maybe they can be a kind of invitation, a tangible piece of my process that you are welcome to touch.

The last thing I focused on is exploration of darkness. I have worked with different pigments, from earthy-cuddly-warm dark reds to cold-as-ice blues, layering and sanding to mix the perfect blacks and create the feeling of the void. I wanted to paint the absence, the flat depth that makes the true hero emerge - the light.

What I really love is the fleeting nature of light, a single match lit in the dark just to become a wisp of smoke. The birthday cake candles ignited just to be extinguished. The flicker of existence mirroring the darkness before it and the darkness that follows. Where we come from and where we end up. But in between there is light, and that's what we are here for. “

Selected exhibitions:

2024 “ÖGONBLICK“ exhibition at Kliger gallery, Lund

2024 “Portraits” exhibition at Kliger gallery, Lund

2024 Husby Konstsalong i Husby, Sverige

2023 “DREAMSCAPE”, Kliger Gallery, Lund, Sweden

2023 “Summer”, Kliger Gallery, Lund, Sweden

2023 “Birds“ Kliger Gallery, Lund, Sweden

2021 Jäger & Jansson galleri, Lund, Sweden

2021 Live painting event at Strandkompaniet, Löderup, Sweden

2021 Mural painting for ArtMadeThis, Göteborg, Sweden

2020 The Swedish Academy of Realist Art, Simrishamn, Sweden, Konstrundan 2020

2019 The Swedish Academy of Realist Art, Simrishamn, Sweden, Konstrundan 2019

2016 Maria Thornlunds galleri, Lund, Sweden


2020 Konsthall in Lund stipendium

2019 Lunds kommun kulturstipendium

2015 Stipendium in arts from Katedralskolan in Lund, Sweden

2016 Lions Club stipendium


2021-2022 Kulturskoleklivet vid Lunds Universitet

2018-2021 The Swedish Academy of Realist Art, Traditional Realistic Drawing and Painting

2017 Intermedia Studies: The Aesthetics of Popular Culture, Lunds University